Showing 96 of 142 results
10th century 13mm diameter wood auger from lietor in spain
£29.99 -
12mm flat Roman woodworking chisel from the Ixion room pompeii
£12.99 -
12mm medieval twist auger with crossbar handle
£13.58 -
12th century novgorod 15mm leaf auger with crossbar
£16.99 -
3" 75mm drawknife draw shave anglo saxon viking medieval & roman metalwork only
£19.99 -
3" 75mm drawknife draw shave anglo saxon viking medieval & roman with flax ferrules
£26.99 -
3" 75mm straight draw shave drawknife metalwork only
£19.99 -
3" 75mm straight drawknife with flax twine ferrules roman to medieval period
£27.99 -
3" half round bowl shave scorp viking york and medieval novgorod metalwork only
£23.99 -
3" half round bowl shave scorp viking york and medieval novgorod with flax wrapped ferrules
£27.99 -
30g beeswax and linseed wood balm
£7.31 -
36 page A5 book on the Medieval workshop finds construction and design
£7.99 -
4mm medieval twist auger and handle german style
£9.99 -
5" half round bowl shave scorp viking york and medieval novgorod russia 13-15thc
£29.99 -
5" half round bowl shave scorp viking york and medieval novgorod russia 13-15thc metalwork only
£25.99 -
6" 150mm drawknife draw shave anglo saxon viking medieval & roman metalwork only
£25.99 -
6" 150mm drawknife draw shave anglo saxon viking medieval & roman with flax ferrules
£31.99 -
6" 150mmmm drawknife draw shave medieval right angle handles with flax twine ferrules Daegrad Tools
£31.99 -
6" medieval froe cleaver with beech wood handle
£29.99 -
6mm spoon auger multi period living history use with cross bar
£10.44 -
70g small axe hammer Anglo-Norse coppergate size
£22.99 -
75g multi period small adze hammer with beech wood handle
£22.99 -
8cm curved scorping knife leather wood and general craft
£16.71 -
8mm Roman period twist auger from Saalburg in Germany
£17.76 -
anglo saxon crayke hoard axe to original design & handle
£45.99 -
anglo saxon viking thumb shave coppergate york find 9th C 3" 75mm cutting edge
£18.80 -
Anglo-Saxon Norse Medieval crossbar scorp 3"
£35.99 -
anglo-saxon viking box chest handles choice of design
£8.35 -
Anglo-Saxon 10mm spoon auger from West Fen road Ely
£16.71 -
Anglo-Saxon woodworking tools 44 page A5 full colour book
£7.99 -
Anglo-Scandinavian coppergate twist auger
£11.49 -
Anglo-Scandinavian pole lathers hook end chisel coppergate / castlegate find last one
£29.99 -
Anglo-Scandinavian York leather or light woodworking chisel
£10.44 -
bone wood and metalworking hand cut files straight cross cut half round living history use
£9.99 -
carpenters hand forged scribe
£7.31 -
danish viking zip bit lake tisso find woodworking auger
£27.16 -
drawknife draw shave anglo saxon viking medieval 6" 150mm long blade modern handles
£31.34 -
Egyptian adze roman period Stelae depiction 25mm wide cutting edge
£31.34 -
generic 3mm spoon auger multi period use Roman to Medieval
£9.40 -
hand forged Roman period wood splitter froe living history reenactment use
£17.76 -
hand forged 3" drawknife with oak wood handles with peined tangs
£20.89 -
hand forged 40mm long square section steel nails roman to medieval period use
From: £8.35 -
hand forged roman saalburg froe 7" 17.5cm with 30cm ash wood handle
£49.99 -
hand forged roman socketed chisel Newstead 30mm
£20.89 -
hand forged viking style bearded nails wastling class B random sizes 30-50mm
From: £5.22 -
hand held wood bone and antler workers scraper multi period use
£7.31 -
Last One Roman 10mm twist auger from mogorjelo in Bosnia-herzegovina
£13.58 -
left handed multi period woodworking scorp 35mm curved tip
£26.99 -
medieval double sided woodworkers shaving scorp
£29.25 -
medieval draw shave from Plessenstrasse Schleswig germany 1100AD
£31.34 -
Medieval Fishergate York woodworking rasp
£8.35 -
medieval left handed 6" draw shave daegrad tools sheffield
£31.34 -
medieval mary rose marker gauge scantillion living history reenactment use
£19.53 -
medieval novgorod 12mm woodworking chisel nerevsky excavation
£10.99 -
Medieval Novgorod combination mallet and awl
£17.76 -
medieval novgorod style woodworkers scorp half round with beech wood handle
£26.12 -
medieval right handed 6" draw shave daegrad tools sheffield
£31.34 -
medieval small 5" calipers
£8.99 -
medieval small 5" dividers
£8.99 -
medieval style one piece twist auger 6mm head
£8.35 -
medieval swedish style 3" 75mm spoke shave
£27.16 -
medieval T axe with beech wood handle
£47.99 -
medieval woodworkers scorp 25mm diameter and ash wood handle
£26.12 -
multi period 6mm mortice chisel with beechwood handle and linen ferrule
£13.99 -
multi period anglo saxon viking roman medieval dowel iron 2x 6-10mm
£8.35 -
multi period roman to medieval 8" pliers
£11.99 -
multi period Roman to medieval small hand gouge or chisel 10" shaft 12mm wide
£22.98 -
multi period small 25mm wide chisel with beech wood handle
£13.58 -
Norwegian Viking gull wing 3" drawknife and linen ferrules
£28.21 -
Nuremberg comb makers frame saw 1724 beech wood handle with jute ferrule
£24.03 -
one piece roman carpenters woodworking chisel 12mm
£8.35 -
pole lathe hook chisel anglo saxon viking medieval roman
£29.25 -
portuguese hammer stone mason and woodworking use
£15.99 -
re-enactors 8mm multi period V groove wood chisel
£13.58 -
Right handed multi period woodworking scorp 35mm curved tip
£26.99 -
Roman Medieval reducing dividers 10" 250mm
£9.99 -
Roman triangulate small saw Walbrook london
£17.76 -
Roman 20mm wide plane blade from Vindolanda
£9.99 -
Roman and medieval 8" straight dividers
£8.99 -
Roman and medieval small round head dividers 8" long
£8.99 -
Roman and medieval trilobate one piece twist auger
£13.58 -
Roman and Medieval woodworkers shaving scorp
£26.12 -
roman anglo saxon viking medieval reamer forged steel
£13.58 -
Roman Aquleia and Viking hedeby small twist auger 10mm
£11.49 -
Roman bench stops or dogs Caister st Edmund find
£21.99 -
Roman calipers from caerwent in wales 12cm long
£12.99 -
Roman carpenters 10mm socketed woodworking chisel
£20.89 -
roman carpenters bench nails set of 6 house of the vettii pompeii
£6.26 -
Roman carpenters tools book 44 pages A5 full colour finds design and use
£7.99 -
Roman Coopers croze saw from London
£17.76 -
Roman De meern1 walnut composite bucksaw 180AD
£62.69 -
Roman double sided woodworking saw from Vertillum in gaul
£24.03 -
Roman frame saw 42cm Collegium fabri Tignarii
£49.99 -
roman frame saw from Stup in bosnia-herzegovina
£24.03 -
Roman frame saw from the fort at Gradistea Munceluliu in Dacia
£41.79 -
Roman Gaul tanged wood or lath splitter 75mm blade