Showing 47 of 143 results
Roman Gaul tanged wood or lath splitter 75mm blade
£29.99 -
Roman hollowing knife or spoon gouge Bosnia herzegovina find
£17.76 -
roman joiners dogs set of 2 castle copse find
£9.40 -
Roman lath or wood splitter Alba Iulia Romania
£26.12 -
roman light woodworking adze with curved blade
£29.99 -
roman London metal wood leather and bone workers spatulas choice of 4
From: £8.35 -
Roman one piece steel hammer from wroxeter 450g
£20.89 -
Roman period dividers and calipers set
£24.99 -
roman period general purpose hammer 300g
£20.89 -
Roman saw set from Maintz in Germany
£7.99 -
Roman Seville curved drawknife 3" long cutting edge & flax ferrules
£28.21 -
Roman Seville curved drawknife 3" long cutting edge metalwork only
£22.98 -
Roman Seville curved drawknife 6" long cutting edge metalwork only
£26.12 -
Roman Seville curved drawshave 6" long cutting edge with flax twine ferrules
£31.34 -
Roman socketed adze hammer from pakenham in the UK daegrad Tools Sheffield
£41.79 -
Roman steel dividers from Kingscote
£12.99 -
Roman style reducing dividers
£12.99 -
Roman tanged adze from Gaul 25mm wide
£25.99 -
Roman to medieval large round head dividers 8"
£8.99 -
roman to medieval period 12" ash wood bucksaw distressed modern blade
£29.99 -
Roman Verulamium one piece woodworking chisel
£16.71 -
Roman Vindolanda wedge lock dividers 8" 200mm long
£12.99 -
roman wood scraper from the carpenters grave at relja in zadar
£15.67 -
Saws of the Roman Empire 44 page book A5 on period saws 4thc BC to 4thc AD
£7.99 -
set of 13 long glasgow nails one off set 11cm long
£8.99 -
set of 2 medieval carpenters bench catch woodworking use based on moxon's
£8.04 -
set of 2 medieval Novgorod beech wood mallets
£17.76 -
set of 2 multi period pole lathe centres
£10.44 -
set of 2 steel 10mm diameter bench holdfast moxon pattern 1677
£20.89 -
set of 2 steel 12mm diameter bench holdfast moxon pattern 1677
£28.21 -
set of 20 Farriers horse shoe nails stained glass craft and carpentry use top quality 41mm
£7.31 -
set of 3 spring steel wood or bone workers gouge burins multi period reenactment
£16.71 -
set of 4 bifurcated chest or box woodwork repair re-enforcing strap 27cm long
£17.76 -
set of 6 metalwork only spoon gouges 3 left 3 right
£39.99 -
silicon carbide sharpening stone 6" long double grit
£8.35 -
Swedish early viking valsgarde 5" plank shave scorp with flax twine ferrules
£31.34 -
Viking back saw from Sanner in Norway
£23.99 -
Viking Dublin woodworkers back saw
£21.99 -
viking haithabu hedeby vice clamp 9-11thc germany steel construction living history use
£15.99 -
Viking Hedeby Haithabu and Medieval 10mm twist auger and cross bar
£17.76 -
viking mastermyr and mid medieval hacksaw
£22.98 -
viking mastermyr and mid medieval hacksaw beech wood handles & linen twine ferrule
£26.12 -
viking mastermyr palm chisel adze no 83 living history woodworking use
£14.62 -
viking mastermyr wood gouge no 58 with beech handle and linen ferrule
£16.99 -
viking roman 15mm diameter curved spoon gouges set of two left and right
£19.85 -
viking roman 25mm diameter curved spoon gouges set of two left and right
£19.85 -
viking roman shallow spoon gouges set of two left and right