1, The terms and conditions outlined here form the contract between Dennis Riley trading as Daegrad Tools and the purchaser, in making a purchase the purchaser agrees to the contract terms and conditions outlined here. The governing law of this contract is English and Welsh law.
2, The governing legal jurisdiction of this website and/or trading platform and all its transactions is England, governed by English and Welsh law (the governing law). In the event of legal disputes or action being brought the buyer/purchaser and/or their agents and/or any other persons must do so under English and Welsh law in England, this is a fundamental requirement of this contract, any and/or all sales are made solely on this basis. The governing language in all trading is English. Daegrad Tools accept no liability from problems arising from the mistranslation of product information or descriptions on internet trading sites whose primary language is not English.
3, Items for sale by Daegrad Tools indicate an invitation to treat and not a right to buy, Daegrad tools reserve the right to refuse a sale for a number of reasons such as (but not limited to) the products supplied may be used for acts of terrorism, racism, crime or refusal of a sale in the interests of revenue protection or public safety. Daegrad Tools will not knowingly trade with any individual or group that shows any antisemitic behaviour or indeed abuse of any group or religion or seek to engage in gender oppression. Anyone making comments in any
communication medium to Daegrad Tools that contravene section 3 (in the opinion of Daegrad Tools or those acting on its behalf) will not be engaged in conversation and will be blocked from bidding or purchasing products. A condition of sale is that any purchaser is over the age of 18 years in the united kingdom (or the age of legal majority in the country of purchase).
4, All items sold are covered by the current legal requirements for online selling in the United Kingdom, we aim to ship out in 3 to 7 days, this may be longer in the event of complex orders or if specific items have to be manufactured, you will receive shipping notifications once your order has been shipped, the shipment will contain contact information regarding your order. depending upon the method of shipping we will require your telephone number to enable the courier to deliver your parcel, we cannot ship without your telephone number if we request it, if we do not receive your telephone number we will have to cancel the transaction and refund your purchase price including shipping.
5, Any item purchased may be returned within 30 days of receipt by the purchaser for a full refund including the cost of original postage/shipping. In the event that the item supplied is defective or not as described or that the user does not feel confident or safe in using or assembling a supplied item then Daegrad Tools will pay for return postage. if the purchaser wishes to return an item they must use the returns procedure for the specific internet selling platform from which it was purchased, once a returned item has been received by Daegrad Tools a refund will be issued including return postage, this may be made as a separate payment depending upon the operating systems and refund mechanisms of the specific website from which the original purchase was made. If the buyer believes the item supplied is defective they are under no circumstances to use the item and to inform Daegrad Tools immediately for either a return or replacement or refund by Daegrad Tools
6, all the items sold by Daegrad Tools are reproductions, Daegrad Tools does not trade in original artefacts. all books produced and/or sold and any video produced are for entertainment only and are not published or designed or intended for use as a manufacturing or instructional guide.
7, All items are sold with a 1year guarantee against defect arising from normal use in a reconstructive re-enactment context unless such items are not designed to last one year (consumable items). The life expectancy of the products manufactured by Daegrad Tools is set at 3 years from the date of receipt by the purchaser, after this time the item should be disposed of safely.
8, All the items sold by Daegrad Tools are designed for use in Re-enactment living history contexts, static displays or in film or television prop contexts, they are not designed for use in any other context or situation, they are not designed for commercial use or for the manufacture of items intended for sale (used to manufacture items as part of a commercial process) or use by the public at re-enactment events. The use of any item supplied by Daegrad Tools outside of a living history, Museum static display or film and television context
nullifies any guarantee or liability on the part of Daegrad Tools. Many items manufactured by Daegrad tools contain functional as well as non-functional sharp edges, points and small parts, it is the responsibility of the purchaser to ensure the safe storage, display and use of items as well as keeping all items out of the reach of children, Daegrad tools accepts no liability for any incident arising from the user’s storage, use or display policy or protocols. All the products are designed solely for the use of the purchaser.
9, All the items produced and sold by Daegrad Tools are handmade and are designed as far as is reasonably practicable to mimic the original item on which the purchased item is based and are so designed as to mimic the design, durability, usability and or defects of the original item upon which it is based they are not manufactured to the quality of the item's modern equivalent, they are not designed to be, each item by its handmade nature is intrinsically a one off and as a consequence is subject to extremes of variation in both longevity and build quality which is why the life expectancy (if properly maintained by the purchaser ) is set at three years.
10, A condition of sale is that the purchaser is required to use the appropriate health and safety equipment associated with the use of the reconstructed item as they would do with its modern equivalent, this includes the wearing of protective equipment both for the eyes (safety glasses) and body when an item or items are being used, assembled, maintained or displayed or a combination thereof . living history is no excuse for not using safety equipment. Daegrad Tools cannot be held liable for any fault, omission or miss use of a supplied item by the user.
11, A condition of sale is that the purchaser is competent in the safe use of the supplied item and have received tuition in its safe and correct use as reconstructed items require a different set of skills not normally available to the general public, if the purchaser does not feel comfortable in using a supplied item it must be returned for a full refund, Daegrad tools will also pay for return postage
12, Items supplied by Daegrad Tools must be inspected before and after use to ensure that they are in a safe condition. Tools or supplied items that contain wooden components are subject to dimensional instability due to local weather conditions and the purchaser’s storage and maintenance regime which in time may cause premature failure of a supplied item. Daegrad Tools cannot be held liable for any defect, fault or consequence arising from the purchaser's poor storage, maintenance, assembly or abuse of a supplied item.
13, The contract exists solely between Daegrad Tools and the original purchaser and may not be transferred. If any item supplied by Daegrad Tools is resold, gifted, exchanged, lent or otherwise no longer remains the property of the original buyer then Daegrad Tools liability comes to an end. In the event of an item being resold and/or gifted and/or lent by the original purchaser they accept full liability for any problems arising and/or claims made against Daegrad Tools.
14 Daegrad Tools accepts no liability arising from the misuse of a supplied item or misuse arising from the use of a supplied item outside its designed use, function and historical context.
15, The tools manufactured by Daegrad Tools are hand forged and in some cases case hardened or hardened, these tools cannot be altered or they will break and may cause injury Any alteration, heat treatment, reworking or repair to a purchased item nullifies any guarantee or liability on the part of Daegrad Tools. All the tools supplied by Daegrad Tools are designed for hand sharpening only. If any defect arises in the use of any item manufactured by Daegrad Tools the user must stop using it immediately and we must be informed immediately, all the products of Daegrad Tools contain no user repairable parts, if a defect arises do not under any circumstances use the tool or try to repair it. It must be quarantined and Daegrad Tools informed, if the defect arises within the 1 year guarantee it will be replaced or the purchaser refunded depending upon the availability of a replacement item, if the defect arises after the guarantee ends but before the three year life expectancy ends the Purchaser must pay for shipping to Daegrad Tools for repair (at the discretion of Daegrad Tools we may pay for return postage), Daegrad Tools will ship out the repaired item with free shipping to the original customer (original purchaser)
16, all items supplied by Daegrad Tools are for use by adults over the age of majority in the country of use, they are not designed for use or sold with the intention for use by minors or by any person or persons who are not the original purchaser. The product(s) of Daegrad Tools are not designed for use by children or those under the age of majority in the purchase country. In making a purchase and accepting the terms and conditions a buyer is informing Us (Dennis Riley trading as Daegrad Tools) that they are over the age of 18 in the United
Kingdom and over the age of majority in the purchase country and that Dennis Riley trading as Daegrad Tools are exempt from any and all liability if they have made a false claim as to their age to obtain goods and or services.
17, all images and logos are the intellectual and copyright property of Daegrad Tools.
18, Do not exceed the design specifications of the supplied item(s) as outlined here. Daegrad Tools accept no liability for any consequence arising for the user exceeding the design specification of a supplied item(s), handmade Reconstructed tools have limitations of use and are not constructed to the same level of consistency as mass-produced tools. All pliers and gripping tools are designed for cold working applications only, all casting spoons and any casting container designed for liquid material are designed to be used at temperatures below
250 degrees centigrade. wooden handles on tools are tang fit construction in keeping with the original design upon which the reconstructions are based, these items have an applied force limitation of 3kg and are not designed to be used with an applied force greater than 3kg.load bearing items are designed only for static display with the exception of suspension chains used in re-enactment cooking, these chains are designed for a maximum load of 10kg, do not exceed this weight under any circumstances. some items (for example but not limited to) such as Hammers, axes and adzes are supplied un-hafted, it is the responsibility of the purchaser to correctly assemble the supplied items to a safe and satisfactory condition, if the purchaser is unable to do so the supplied items can be returned under section 5 of this contract terms and conditions. some metalwork is supplied hardened with a light temper, or case hardened, if subject to impact these items will break, they are not designed for metal upon metal contact but solely for use on wood, on items supplied as "metalwork only" great care should be observed in hafting these products to avoid damage and are designed for glue fit assembly and that safety equipment including safety glasses must be worn at all times during assembly. all tools for woodworking are designed for use on green wood or naturally air-dried wood, they are not designed for use on Kiln dried wood which has different properties. All the Tools manufactured by Daegrad Tools contain functional sharp edges and in some cases non functional sharp edges, care must be taken in packing, unpacking and using tools to ensure their safe use. All functional sharp edges are designed for hand sharpening only, machine sharpening will damage the temper and damage the tool and will nullify any guarantee, No tool or tools is/are designed for machine sharpening, they are designed for hand sharpening only.
19, if you need to contact Daegrad Tools please do so via the selling site from which your purchase was made. You can also contact us by mail at Daegrad Tools, 327 Coleford Road Darnall Sheffield S9 5NF, please note that no visitors are allowed at this address.
20, in the event of a refund being issued and the item not returned (for whatever reason) the refunded purchaser is liable for its safe disposal in accordance with local waste disposal laws. Once a refund has been issued all liability on the part of Daegrad tools comes to an end.
21, Item(s) manufactured or supplied by Daegrad Tools for use or sale to the United States of America or Canada are for the use of the original purchaser of the item(s) only, the sale is made on this basis. Daegrad tools liability extends only to the original purchaser and cannot be transferred, Any customer (original purchaser) in the United States of America or Canada who resells, transfers , gifts or gives or allows any product manufactured by Daegrad Tools to be used in the United States of America or Canada accepts full liability for any problem arising from the use of Daegrad Tools products used in those countries and will indemnify and or compensate Daegrad Tools for any problems or liabilities arising from the use of Daegrad tools products used by another person not the original purchaser.
22, GDPR, all transactions are recorded on paper and electronically, electronic storage is on the purchase internet selling platform and paypal systems for such time as governed by those sites, paper information is stored for such time as required for inspection by HMRC, after this period they are destroyed, all information stored either electronically or in paper form are legally accessible by government agencies of the United kingdom for the purposes of taxation, crime prevention and criminal investigation. for the purposes of completing a transaction we only give name and address information to a third-party courier. We do not share information with anyone else
23, if the purchaser is unhappy with the contract outlined here that they have entered into with Daegrad Tools they can return all goods within 30 days if unused for a full refund and Daegrad Tools will pay for the return postage. From the instant a purchase is made the terms and conditions outlined in this document are binding